lsi reset - Resets visibility, size and position to the default one. lsi hide - Hides/shows the button, in-case you only want to use key binding or don't want to see it on selected class. When unlocked, left click will increase the button size and right click will decrease it. lsi unlock - Locks/unlocks the button so it can be dragged to a new position. Position, size and visibility settings are saved per class.
Previously we’ve discussed the removal of Warforging, Titanforging, and Corruption-style mechanics, as well as discussing the new Great. When we arrive in Shadowlands next week, there will be some significant changes to loot acquisition compared to Battle for Azeroth. You can set key bindings for switching loot specialization and use slash commands to unlock the button and move it anywhere on the screen as well as change its size. Shadowlands will have restrictions on eligible raid loot in the Great Vault. If you change loot specialization too many times in short period of time it gets blocked by the server and you need to wait few seconds before it works again. Left click on the button will change your loot specialization to the next one, right click will set it to current specialization (that automatically changes based on your selected spec). Hovering over it displays a tooltip with specialization name. This simple addon adds a small button on default player frame that shows the icon of your selected loot specialization.